Saturday, December 31, 2005

Shopping in Old-Town Bombay

This is a scene from the old part of Bombay, where I bought beads for my sister and aunt. As you can see, every square inch of space is used, and almost all deliveries are done via hand-cart. The amount of people and shops packed into this area was definitely a sight to see. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 30, 2005

Indian Manequin

John and I didn't see many department stores in India, but we did get to see one in Bangalore. It was interesting to see the manequins dressed in sarees, and the service was impeccable. (We were greeted and followed by ~7-8 people as we walked through the store.) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

We're Back!

John and I had an AMAZING vacation in India, thanks in a huge way to our friends Chandana & Kamal and their families. The picture above was taken at Kamal's cousin Rhiddi's wedding. It was an extremely extravagant event! There must have been close to 1000 people at what used to be an Indian palace, and the food spread is indescribable. (You'd have to see it to believe it.) One of the most interesting things about the wedding ceremony itself was that very few people were actually paying attention to what was going on between the bride, groom, and the wedding party! Guests were free to chat and roam around while the traditional rituals were being performed on a stage. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Let it snow

It actually SNOWED today! This picture was taken looking out of our living room window. I left work a little early to make sure I got home okay, which sounds really wimpy for someone who grew up in Wisconsin. However, it's a good thing I did because my new RWD car was awful in the snow. It had absolutely no traction, so I couldn't even get in my driveway before getting stuck with the wheels spinning. John managed to get it out and even backed into the garage, but not without a few tries to counter the car sliding sideways. Posted by Picasa