Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Paul's Cabin
Last month John and I were invited to stay the weekend in this cabin that our friend Paul's dad built in the Cascade Mountains near Stevens Pass. It was amazing how much snow there was out there! At the end of our drive we actually had to snowshoe the last 1/2 mile to the cabin. Fortunately the door opened "in" becase the snow was about 2/3 of the way up the door when we got there. (This picture shows the entrance post-shoveling.)

Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006

This is the I-90 bridge - one of the two floating bridges that link Seattle with "The Eastside". This picture was taken from Mercer Island, halfway between the two. Mercer Island is a residential area populated by mostly wealthier families. It also happens to be where my office is, which is kind of unusual. (Almost all of Mercer Island is residential.) The nice thing about having our office on Mercer Island is that it is almost equally accessible to both Seattlites and Eastsiders.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Coal Lake
Taking a break from India photos for a bit...
This is a picture of John at Coal Lake, a stop on one of the snowshoeing trips we did with James this winter. We snowshoed for the first time this year, and love it! It's a nice workout, the snowshoes give you the ability to walk wherever you want, and the trails are much more serene than in the summertime. (We see a lot fewer people.) We typically snowshoe on what are usually hiking trails in the summer. However, on this particular day finding the trail was tricky since ours were the first tracks through the snow.
This is a picture of John at Coal Lake, a stop on one of the snowshoeing trips we did with James this winter. We snowshoed for the first time this year, and love it! It's a nice workout, the snowshoes give you the ability to walk wherever you want, and the trails are much more serene than in the summertime. (We see a lot fewer people.) We typically snowshoe on what are usually hiking trails in the summer. However, on this particular day finding the trail was tricky since ours were the first tracks through the snow.

Monday, March 13, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
This picture was taken looking the opposite direction of the Charminar. The street is a chaotic mixture of cars, people, and food stands. I felt sorry for the Muslim women who have to wear all black on top of their regular clothes because it was incredibly hot. (They must have been dying of heat under all of their garments.) I'm not sure whose idea it was to make all black garments a requirement, but it doesn't seem like the best idea for a cultural group that lives in such a hot climate.